Szigetelési rendszer, mint vezérelv a nagyméretű, hasznosított terasztető tervezése során

2022. július 05.

Esettanulmány a Szent Margit Gimnázium tornacsarnokának zárófödéméről.

Meglévő műemléki környezetbe illeszkedve – Budavári épület felújításának műszaki érdekességei

2021. november 23.

Located in the Buda Castle, at the end of Úri utca, in an accentuated corner position. Connected to three public spaces of different character, Úri Street, Kapistrán Square and Árpád Tóth Promenade. The integration into the existing world heritage environment and the possibilities of joining the structures of the historical ages also made the task special. In addition to the faithful Baroque reconstruction, the building also features memories of other eras, complemented by contemporary elements. Although there is an extensive cellar system under the building, in some places the waterproofing and floor construction methods had to be established on a natural rock foundation close to the surface. The inner courtyard was covered with a custom-designed glass roof, and a bridge was also built to connect the attics spaces.
METSZET 2021/6

A Szent Margit Gimnázium új tornacsarnokának egyedi épületszerkezeti megoldásai

2020. november 24.

What happens when the architectural program and the number of people are limited, on the hillside and the architect's attitude and methodology differs from usual? In this article we show the structure regarding the thermal shell of the building, protection against ground water, a flat roof which is also a football pitch and all the issues which arrive from the new technologies.
METSZET 2020/6.

Egy budai irodaház tanulságai

2020. november 24.

Redevelopment of an existing building to achieve contemporary commercial, design and environmental standards has served both the investor and the architect well as an informative exercise in working within a given, built, framework. Architecture working as tool towards finding an optimal solution regarding development, location and continued facility management ideals.
METSZET 2020/6.


2020. július 20.

In order to simplify construction, to decrease the amount of special auxiliaries, to decrease the damages due to faults, to increase safety and to decrease the necessary space, material producers developed such waterproofing systems which can establish mechanical or chemical working together capability with in situ reinforced concrete load bearing structures. These technologies differ significantly from customary waterproofing in practice. They participate in water displacement not as a separate layer, but as the integral part of an underground civil engineering structure. As long as a waterproofing system functions properly, any type is appropriate. The difference becomes significant only, when due to a breach a fault of the waterproofing system occurs. Only from then on increases the importance of the type of the original system. During our studies we punctured deliberately new, adhesive waterproofing systems and for reference a customary membrane all of which were applied on concrete, hence tested their performance as a structure by concentrating mainly on lateral water filtration.

A budavári liftek műszaki érdekességei

2020. január 20.

As part of a program initiated in 2014 to make Buda Castle barrier free, three lift towers where constructed in 2015. A small scale yet rewarding project regarding the World Heritage castle ramparts demands a unique architectural approach. From inception this project needed to respond to difficult site conditions, archaeological excavations and the element of unforeseen circumstances due to the nature of the project: all in response to architectural and structural concepts to achieve the optimum result.
METSZET 2020/1.

Vöröskő, vörösfenyő, vendéglátás

2020. január 20.

The genius loci of the Lake Balaton inspires an all encompassing architectural response. The development of a marina naturally leeds to the need for a complex building that changes function: from leisure during the high season to a maintenance facility during downtime. Use of local Balaton Redstone combined with larch as a decorative covering combines the local architectural character with a traditional for timber in maritime design. The resulting building is balanced according to orientation: leisure towards the lake and maintenance towards the land. Rational and aesthetically apt for the location.
METSZET 2020/1.

A kortárs lakóépítészet szerkezeti kihívásai: Egy családi ház jászberényben

2019. november 26.

Developing a corner site to accommodate a family home based upon interconnected pavilions, dealing with problems associated to surface water drainage and creation of green roof solutions, required non-stan- dard foundations and waterproofing methods. Aside from the technical achievements a desire for clarity of materials and spatial functions had to be met. The key to success being how to seamlessly integrate architectural, structurla and mechanical engineering elements.
METSZET 2019/6.

Az építész és mérnöki tervező munka összhangja

2019. november 26.

Locating a large villa and its smaller guest house on a graded site amongst trees lead to the development of a project reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water. Spaces being accentuated by cantilevered struc- tures that form terraces and roofs. At first this seems a relatively straight forward task, yet on further evaluation complex solutions were required to achieve architectural harmony: engineering being the driving force behind this project's flow from internal to external spaces without need for poorly conceived steps. The resulting building also welcomes nature into its fabric by means of planted terraces and green roofs, contemporary organic.
METSZET 2019/6.

Magastetők vízlevezetésének rejtelmei

2019. január 30.

Magastetők vízelvezetésének rejtelmei - Szerzők: Dobszay Gergely, Heincz Dániel